In the last couple daysI have been writing a little more on the local paper. This is becauseof two things, one) the stories are getting more graphic and extreme and are also veryprominantly about issues of civility and abuse, etc.. and two) I think I am one of the only young people who reads it and Iam highly discouraged by the lack of participation by the young and free on their local forums. Through online public feedback, a pretty good view of things emerges. peoples political leanings and individual views are allowed to bubble up around topics provided. Now Idont know if its just coincidence, or if its meant to be a part of a media campaign about bill C-10, but these images floated across my screen today -- IMAGE 1) 2)

It just paints a scary picture. I dont think this type of direction is what canadians wanted. Remember, the medium is the message. Is this the message we want for ourselves, for the world to see and for our future generations to expect ?
Please be sure to go and check out your online local and have your say :) Our system only stops working when we think it doesn't work anymore. We all have a voice we can use, even to take the time to write up a letter and submit it oldschoool to a newspaper... you'd be amazed how much they probably really want to hear your views, because then it makes more people interested and informed and that is good for sales. Mostly I am just a huge fan of local forum and freedom of expression and whatnot. My ideal newspaper for the day would likely be the EXACT opposite of those images, I would be worried about the sort of person that thinks todays news represents steps in the overall right direction...I hope that doesn't make me too radical to continue to enjoy the privelage of the right to freedom to express my views.
ALL images are only zoomed, lightly edited and cropped for clarity and display inclusion from my screen for use in this review and satirical work of things on my screen. I claim no ownership and use here is no endorsement by any owner, etc. Original images here from the peterborough examiner 2012. Please comment for any questions, etc. :) Support Local y'all.
this is what the local news looked like the day after valentines day. feel the love ;)