Thursday, June 23, 2011

CPAC goes late night

I, like most opposition MPs see absolutely no sense in this whole canada post debacle. First the management does not want to yeild to the reasonable requests of the employees. Second the management of this crown corporation decides to lock the doors after a few days of non detrimental revolving strikes. Third, the gov't legislates TOTALLY in favor of the management group which caused all this ! What the heck is going on here, if anything and if they are concerned with activities at canpost, why aren't the gov't legislating simple return to work legislation like 'take the locks off the doors and allow a fair arbitration process' ... It is even more rediculous when you consider that the canpost corp is VERY profitable taking in some 200+ million a year from what I understand !!

This govt is OBVIOUSLY out to dismantle organized labour and implement its own style of economic austerity over the canadian people. What makes even less sense is the gov't superceding all arbitration by introducing, not median rates of redress, but methods which are below BOTH of the recommendations submitted by both parties in the dispute.

Air Canada almost made the same mistake, but was quick to see the error in any such attempt in teh current government. I will tell you the next group is ALL municipal public servants... rediculous restrictions will be imposed soon, and it will be to the great embarassment of provincial high ministers and the provincial tories will play up the inability of incumbants to get the job done, then the concessions will be worse and worse until the only solution will be to employ prison populations (about to explode and already getting closer and closer to our american ideals) to maintain parks and perform menial public service works....these types of jobs are the only good and secure jobs left in our current 'economy of errors' and soon they will be gone because of forceful legislation, a desire to employ slave labour, and a broader global agenda of violent enslavement.

I was totally shocked also to read that individuals could be fined 1000$ per day if they take independant or union action after this legislation - if they can't pay they will go to jail and have their old jobs back anyway at greatly reduced expence to the governement...

I am devastated by the conservative majority... these people are completely out of control... no right to strike, no right to redress, no ability to oppose the will of the dictator... I take exceptional note that NOT ONE Conservative MP has ANY objection to this legislation, NOT ONE... like most of the conservative legislation there is a big group mentality and I guess so after the way opposing MPs have been disgraced and ejected in the past. Imagine, our former ambassador to Afghanistan is now deputy of MOD.... is THIS really the type of Canada anyone really believes we want ? One bankrupt and deviod of morals just like our neighbours to the south.

Disgusting, but this is an improvment over most of the other fraudulent garbage that usually fills up the late night air waves, I'll give it that.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Review of Online Space Launch programming in the 21st century

I recently composed a video to post to youtube. I marked it as unlisted and I then proceeded to make some random recordings of my room when I happened to be playing a copywritten song which I had long ago purchased. My purpose in this composition was not to deprive any group or persons of any profits, in fact I heartily encouraged all those who might witness this composition to purchase the material if they enjoyed the composition. Only persons who I invited or shared MY composition with could see it, and its main function was a postcard of admiration to a few close friends and international heros. So because the recordings from my room included some media I had purchased, my post received a copy notice thing... I was a little surprised as all I did was mash up a video of a nasa launch (totally public) to a song I listened to during a live event (listening in my room)... I had been watching the launch and rocking out to the song during live coverage and wanted to share this experience with others to guage their opinions and present material for consideration (namely the synching of a contemporary music piece to live launch coverage - sort of like how they play music during a faceoff at a hockey game or something [[ though I imagine that sort of thing is not permitted either given the attempted 'tightening of the fist around the galaxy' sort of mentality. ]]

Anyhow, all I am getting at is that my 'production' or parody, if you think about it, is nothing more than gratuitous publicity for the artists and associates. More personally it was only a conjecture, a draft manifestation of a thought I had one day... it was contained in a format only accessible to people who I personally chose to share it with ...not for general public consumption, it was also not marked for any expanded licensing in consideration of it being a wholly individual work of my own (if it were I would gladly give it up for free use - though still not for financial exploitation).

If I am playing a song in my house and someone comes over, are they lible for TOS or copy litigation ? ... so many questions... if only I were a rich fatcat, I would just sit in my lawyers office all day and have riveting conversations about my precarious legal existence all day ! Alas, court of poor-mans causes for me :P

I just hope that the powers that be can see the sense in free promotion, the public benefit of showing nasa images to music that isn't produced internally or 100 years ago (though I am also known to synch classical tunes I listen to by the same mash - there are no restrictions on these, the temporal restraints have lapsed and through good sense, cannot be renewed or otherwise exploited.What I worry about is that its not that I cannot use this stuff, I just can't use it NOW, or in certain jurisdictions, I have no/little (I'm still reading the acts) control over the material i can share with peers, I have no (diminishing) right(s) to privacy online and I am totally unfit as a simple layman to make heads or tails of the restraints imposed against me... but I only intended to create something interesting, something of benefit, something good and something enjoyable. ... a joke to some, art to others, erred opinion it may be to some, but to me it was composed and distributed as a private matter... too bad someone is reading the mail ;)

copyright is certainly a valid mechanism for the protection of improper accumulation of wealth built on the labour of others, but for a law to be reasonable it must be enforceable, if I drew my little sister a birthday card with the intentional likeness of mickey mouse and mailed it to her ; should or could I be persecuted for 'stealing that image' ... who is damaged ? who watches what I draw ? who watches what is in the sealed envelopes that leave my estate ? .... just because we are online does not mean we should suffer the formal and legal loss of these privelages .... they should be expanded and if governments serve the people they represent then we should be protected by them from these very such encroachments against a sensible level of anonymity, privacy and discretion . Certainly more than the few commercial conglomerates that accrue and seal away all the produced art of the species should be. But that is just another opinion and this is just another review.

Expedition 28 Mashup 6/5 for neat, new concept

STS 130 - 5/5 for long time following the event

woooooooooooooooooo !!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

3 POINT RECAP: Mr. Harpers First day back - now with majority

1) we saw an unprecedented protest in the most sacred chamber making a mockery of security protocols, freedom of speech, our current electoral system, the present government and 100+ years of tradition

2) we saw the beginning of a strike in one of canadas oldest, most reliable and most vital services (canada post)... thats quite a record for a first day back, can't wait to read what our take is on the first 100 days of this mandate, lol.

3) ohh, but he took in a new kitty.... just like he took in some orange tabby a while back... is this really enough to convince us that this man is anything but an insane dictator ? no wonder he calls it the harper government, thats all it represents. it used to be the government of canada, oh well, to live it to experience change, eh old bean ? : P

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lots of angry voices and dismissive comments, but few positive solutions

So I was totaly amazed to see Brigitte DePape/Marcelle's little protest today, but then it got me thinking; she stated that we need a sort of arab spring here too ... now that crossed a line for me. You see, I appreciate as much as the next right (see left) thinking Canadian that Harper is a bit of what you might call a flaming doosh bag, but still, stating that we need anarchy in the streets and a military crackdown is a little extreme.

While I agree that we must strive to find ways to stop his government before the next term mandate, I am not sure that blatent civil disobediance is the way to go... its one thing to say we need change , its quite another to tell me
you're willing to kill this village to save it. So what am I getting at here? I am getting at the notion that as much as we all want to bitch and complain about stephen harper and we all KNOW that his gov't is poised to totally decimate our nation, I dont see anyone providing any practical solutions ; well thats not entirely true, I do see one place... the home of the NEW DEMOCRATS... the boring olde praries. Sure when you think of Canada you may envision swaying wheat as far as the eye can see... but you seldom picture OPP officers walking through them, or the disgusting ethnic meltingpot that is Toronto outside of prim areas like bridal path, orchard streets or upper class vaughn (copland) representing our vision for the nation. The truth is that many of our ideals about this nation were born in the wild-horse-running plains of the mid west.

Now is no exception; two major things I take note of. 1) project whitecard in manitoba and their stunning work in capturing the coveted commercial licenses for the current encarnation of NASAmmo, and 2) the cold air test facility in Thompson.... interesting to me that both of these heady initiatives are taking place in areas totally removed from any sort of major infrastructure we might think necessary for these sorts of undertakings. There are no super massive launch facilities to give reason to the hope of making this area an emerging space center.... EXACTLY....

What do you need to perform a conventional launch ? Lots of flat space far from people who will complain about noise or pollution.... but that is getting quite ahead of ourselves.... lets deal with the now a bit more first; what do you need to create a state of the art space simulation software? a few smart geeks, a few rad computers and a bunch of time... check. Manitoba could do this.

What do you need for an extreme cold weather/spacecraft test facility (look into the temp of upper atmosphere/outer space if you're having trouble here) you need a really cold place and potentially isolation again to prevent against the sort of complaints or giant signs you may see in suburban ontario around airports....

All I am getting at here is that manitoba seems to have alot to offer spacebuffs right now, and thats why I am even considering UoCN for the next phase of my educational goals... its not the most reputable, its not the most well established, but its growing, the whole area needs some direction and by-golly this might just be the place to become a super-rad-ultra-bitchin rockstar from the moon !

Supposeing someone has the foresight to take notice of these emerging trends over the summer and start advocating a plan, a dream a vision that not only us disillusioned canadians, but that the whole world could start to look again and say "hey, that sounds neat and useful and good...Canada as a middle power leading the forward looking direction of other nations.... whoda thought!" instead of ahhh shit, fok it, for it all. :P

; )

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Barry Devolin speaker of the house ??? omg please no !

this will be just like when chris hodgson was the minister of municipal affairs... just like when lauri scott gave up her seat for john tory. (for a cool $100,000.00 cash I might add [take THAT democracy]).. the conservatives in this riding win because of the massive gov't job base, the hospital and prison is all there is, and they employ alot of people... you can bet your ass this place will be the test bed for prison labour because then the city will save money from paying those pesky public employees a decent wage and then they can also call it skills development for the under 30 crowd since they cannot even pick up their own garbage or restrain themselves from overindulgance in drugs, etc, etc....

If this guy wins it will be the worst thing EVER... oh his site boasts how he gave $11,000 to the community for canada day celebrations, but the front page of local news is how the little communities are doing their own fundraising because the city wouldn't pony up the dough.... I bet lindsay gets 90% of the funding, this was the municipal affairs agenda all along, get all these communities clumped together then exploit them for LINDSAY only.... just like happened to the mariposa treasury savings (approx $500,000 from my reckoning) went to pay off lindsays ever mounting debts, and all the olde jail museum shinannigans for the first decade of its (dis) operations..... I have also been making articles on about the blatant curtailing of democracy on the online newspapers !!

I think I will be moving away even before next semester starts, this place is wakked ! lol